Selasa, 7 Disember 2010

love this

am in love with this gadget
its really driving me mad
i love their color
i know it cant compare with iphone or blackberry but i juz want this
saba farah saba
next we come
ur gonna be mine :P

5 ulasan:

sofia khairuddin berkata...

hey!! i'm using black one~! :D

Farah Yusuf berkata...

damn !
! x pe..nasib baek bukan biru !
i want a blue one !:D

sofia khairuddin berkata...

hahaha siot i susah gler tau cri warne hitam!! asyik warne biru and pink je ade.
so, u punye chance amatlah tinggi nak warne biru heheheh

Unknown berkata...

jenama pe ni kak?
kalo x silap sy penah tgh iklan die...
org korea blakon...
tp x igt jenama pe..

Farah Yusuf berkata...

pia : cool ! x sba2 !

fatin :LG lolipop dikk :)