Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Tiring day


So as you know, i have finished my studies in Dip. in Office Management and Technology. Due to that, i need to make clearance in Kampus to certify that i have completed my studies.

There are two things happened on the same day which is the first one, i went to the interview at Medi Q Resources. It was unexpected that i was chosen for the interview. I went there without preparing anything.

As for result, it was unsatisfied. But the interviewers were so great. They show that they are interested towards candidates. I enjoyed the interview so much.

 Even I didn't get the job but at least i have the experience how to face the interviewers.  How to answer the questions well. Interview must be in English. For your information, there will be a test for candidates to see how well they can speak in English.

And the second thing is i went to Terengganu with NH and my nephew ! It was unplanned. I pergi sana pn sebab nak settle pasal clearance and nak dapatkan mini transcript result. I was so happy because i got the chance to go there again and there are many changes in campus. Hewhew, Makin cantikk lah. x dpt nk merasa.

Right after settled clearance, we went to Uncle Chua. Tempat date i dgn NH. He said, pergi makan sana untuk menggamit memori. So funny. Since hari dh petang, we went back to Kelantan early. Tak nak sampai lewat sanagat.

 I was so lucky because he was there for me tolong jadi driver tak bertauliah untuk sayaaa. Thank you sayang.

Ahad, 13 Januari 2013


Aku pantang bila lelaki guna kekerasan terhadap wanita. Wanita seorang yang lemah lembut, bukan kekerasan yang patut dilemparkan kepada mereka.

Aku geram bila perempuan dikasari kerana aku pernah berada dalam situasi itu. Dan aku faham perasaan bila dilayan sebegitu.

Bukan sekali pengalaman aku tapi dua kali aku harus lalui. Yeah, sakit amat. Sakit dalam dan sakit luar. Tapi kita sebagai wanita tidak punya kudrat yang cukup untuk menandingi kudrat seorang lelaki.

Elak dengan lelaki seperti ini selagi kamu semua boleh elak. Trust me, x akan dapat apa2 benefit. Masih ramai lagi yang lebih elok kat luar sana.  

Sekadar pesanan..

Khamis, 3 Januari 2013


First, aku dilema. Aku dh dapat dua interview kt KL. Interview pertama di jalan duta. But then aku terpaksa tolak for some reason.

The latest one, i got an interview kt Puchong. Haih. Masih juga dilema pergi atau tidak. Memang la belum confirm dapat kerja or tak. Tapi untuk dpt pengalaman interview mungkin bagus. Entahlah.

I need a response from my brother. I need his opinion. Malukan. Dh besar tp still x boleh decide for myself.

Bye !